The Suns will be running another outdoor camp from 3rd April to Friday 7th April. Places will be limited per session, so secure your spot by registering on the camp registration form link.
Venue: Solefield School, Solefields Road, TN13 1PH (The school driveway is on Fiennes Way off Solefields Road) Please park on Solefields Road and walk up to the school driveway.
DAY 1 - Monday 3rd of April
DAY 2 - Tuesday 4th of April
DAY 3 - Wednesday 5th of April
DAY 4 - Thursday 6th of April DAY 5 - Friday 7th of April
9:45-11:00 - Reception to Year 2 - £10 per day
11:15-13:00 - Years 3 to 5 - £15 per day
13:15-15:00 - Years 6 to 8 - £15 per day
DISCOUNTS £5 discount if you book 3 days or more In this case, please pay the appropriate amount applying the discount in the final amount
To sign up for the camp click on this link to register. This will include all the necessary details. For any queries, please email p.jankowski@solefieldschool.org